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Vybronics - one of largest suppliers of cylindrical & coin vibration motors
Vybronics VG1040003D
Model Number: VG1040003D
(old p/n: G1040003D)

10 mm x 4 mm | 2.5 Vrms | 170hz | LRA Z-Axis

At an impressive 2 Grms the VG1040003D, wide band LRA, produces the highest G force / vibration energy of any coin shaped LRA vibration motor. The rise time is a blazing 10 ms, fall time 50ms, makes it one of the best choices for HD haptic feedback applications.  Notably Samsung chose this LRA for use in their  Galaxy Z Flip 3 and  Samsung Galaxy S21  cellphones.   Due to this LRA's wide bandwidth,  you will need to disable the auto-resonance  calibration feature and manually set the driver for the resonant frequency of the LRA.    Besides the popular TI haptic drivers,  Dongwoon Anatech Part # DW7914A    and the  Renesas (formerly Dialog Semiconductor)  DA728x Series Haptic driver IC are also viable options.   A configuration file is available for the DA728x driver.  This device is designed to be mounted in a molded recessed pocket in the products housing. PCB mounted contact springs or pogo pings mate with coin LRA's contacts pads.   PCBA contact springs are made by TE as well as other companies.    Information on mounting and PORON compression may be found here.    If you need wire leads, you can solder wires to these contact pads, however the wire must be thin and flexible (UL3302  AWG 32 /34) else the adhesive holding the FPC to the metal base may separate and the FPC lift upward.   This motor is currently only available in this configuration. Customizations will be considered if the project volume is in excess of 1 million / year. 

CLICK HERE to download the configuration file for RENESAS DA728x-EVAL-KIT.

CLICK HERE to see photos of how coin motors have been mounted in products.

Summary Of Specifications
Technology Type: LRA
Diameter (mm): 10.0
Thickness (mm): 4.0
Rated Voltage (Vac RMS): 2.5
Operating Voltage (Vac RMS): 0.1~2.5
Rated Current MAX (mA): 170
Typical Current (mA): 145
Rise Time (ms) MAX *: 10
Fall Time (ms) MAX *: 50
Resonant Frequency: 170
Vibration Force (Grms): 1.50
* at 50% of Maximum G force
Packaging Spec
Part Packaging: Plastic Tray
Qty per reel / tray: 50
Quantity - Master box: 4000
Size - Master Box: 52*35*17.5CM
Weight - Master Box: 8.5KG
USA HTS TARIFF: 8501.10.4020
25% Exclusion Code: 9903.88.69
25% Ex. Code Valid: from June 15, 2024 thru May 31, 2025
Available from
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QTY In Stock: 7,683 pcs

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VG1040003D (old p/n G1040003D) LRA Coin Vibration Motor drawing

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None of the products offered for sale by us are authorized for use in any device that:

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  2. supports or sustains life, and whose failure to perform as per our specification,
    may result in serious injury or death of the user.


VG1040003D (old p/n G1040003D) LRA Coin Vibration Motor Data 3VG1040003D (old p/n G1040003D) LRA Coin Vibration Motor Data 4VG1040003D (old p/n G1040003D) LRA Coin Vibration Motor Data 5VG1040003D (old p/n G1040003D) LRA Coin Vibration Motor Data 6VG1040003D (old p/n G1040003D) LRA Coin Vibration Motor Data 7VG1040003D (old p/n G1040003D) LRA Coin Vibration Motor Data 8VG1040003D (old p/n G1040003D) LRA Coin Vibration Motor Data 9
